Thursday, April 1, 2010

Porn in the checkout

cosmo1 Yikes, I feel sinful even posting this picture!

You know, ladies, do you ever have those moments where something happens and you just want to say, “Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus”? I did today.

I took my kids shopping with me (keeps me an humble mother, ya know, taking all 4 to Wal Mart) and as I got into the checkout line I noticed right off, three immodest magazine covers. One had a super, sexy, skinny, bikini- clad model on it; the second one had a very provocatively-posed, scantily clad (Cosmopolitan, anyone?) young woman (I just can’t say lady); and the third one was just talking about ‘how to bring intimacy to your bed’, yada, yada. I mean, my kid can read, ya know?

I immediately turned the magazines over where the back faced frontwards, but my son saw what I was doing (I mean, a woman can only work so fast turning three magazines around) and when I wasn’t looking, he turned one back around. Yuck. I felt so sick to my stomach. I mumbled something about my turning them for a reason, her body was for her to see only, etc. Not sure what I said, but I wanted to scream and yell and send hate messages to Wal Mart and these magazines for putting these indecent (to put it very mildly) women on the fronts of their magazines for men to gaze upon. I mean, they are women’s magazines, people. What woman wants to see a woman dressed provocatively in a magazine for women? I don’t. Certainly these magazines have underlying ‘messages’ they want to get out to our men. Our innocent boys.

This is my first encounter with trying-to-cover-up-the-mags-at-the-counter-so-my-son-won’t-think-that-there-are-people-who-dress-differently (or don’t dress at all)-than-the-women-he-knows. I hope it’s my last.

I know my children will eventually find out about the dreaded 3 letter word. I know they will find out that there are people who have unnatural affections. I know they might see body parts that were not meant to be seen. But, with God’s help, I’m going to do everything in my (our) power to keep my little ones’ minds as innocent and pure (I like that word better). If it means ordering my groceries online for heaven’s sakes or going at 11pm or whatever it takes, I will do it.

Tonight I just want you, my readers, to know that I hope that on Judgment Day, the good Lord has some special rubies in your crowns because you were a lady. You were modest. You didn’t cause a young man to fall. You were feminine. Oh, if I could hear him say, “Well done, Child, you were a woman of God”. Praise the Lord. This world is not my home.

God Bless my mom who always took a pen or a marker and literally drew sleeves on the pictures of the ladies in the magazines. She would ‘up’ their necklines. She made bikinis into one-pieces. I rolled my eyes at it then, but now, I say, “I understand, Mom”.


Speaking of Feminine, don’t forget to join us tomorrow for Feminine Friday. Take a picture of YOU looking feminine and link up with us! PS Don’t go to pangs to get extra spiffed…I’m just wearing what I normally would. :)


  1. What a good mom you are trying to protect your kids. I totally agree with you about the magazines that are shown at the checkout. It's awful that the "new normal" in our world is so harmful to kids. So many people just ignore the exposure, not realizing that there certainly could be issues/questions and harm to the kids young minds.

    The "new normal" in our world is really sad.

  2. It's just SICK. And further, it really gets me that these WOMAN'S magazines have almost naked women on them - huh?

    TV commercials are another thing. We'll be watching something cute, like Bambi, and BOOM - the commercials are BAD, especially those AXE commercials. Thank God for DVRs, because now I can pre-record programs, and fastforward through the smutty commercials.

    The enemy knows his time is short, and he is pushing hard to corrupt as many as he can.

  3. I know what you mean, girl-- the mags in the check-out counters at any grocery store are enough to embarrass a saint. My little boy isn't quite even 2... I'm not looking forward to the task of trying to keep his eyes and mind innocent in this culture we live in. By the grace of God, I know it can be done! It's bad enough that my girls see that stuff. My mom and aunts used to do the same things with our books and coloring books, by the way! :) Kristy @ Homemaker's Cottage

  4. I know exactly what you mean - it's vile & wicked! One time, my sons & I were at Kroger and they had the stupid Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue right by the check out line. I literally had to jump in front of my sons to shield them. All of those issues are bad, but this one was the worst! I was so upset & called my husband. He immediately called the manager at Kroger and asked them to remove the magazines from the front of the store and they did. (They put them in the back of the store where the magazine section is.) Not all stores will cooperate. A local Walmart close by said "No! We will not remove these magazines to the back of our store!" and asked my husband to leave!! When we approach the check out line, I always tell my children to guard their eyes because the magazines are filthy and wicked. If we don't explain why, then our children will think that these filthy things are normal. I make a big deal about it to my children and I think you should do the same, especially with the boys because males are so visual. We have asked several stores like Wal-mart and Meijer for a family friendly check out line - after all- they usually have about 15 checkout lines - but none have cooperated yet, unfortunately. Several times my husband has asked the cashier to turn around all the indecent magazines so that his family could safely go through the check out line. They think we're weird, but most of the time they cooperate (except Walmart, that is). Sorry this is so long, but it stirred me up!! Just wanted to encourage all the ladies to SAY SOMETHING next time they are in the check out line - make a difference:)

  5. I first want to say I am really enjoying your blog. :) Well done!

    Candy took the words right out of my mouth. Those Axe commercials are HORRIBLE! I don't even like watching them. I'm a little embarrassed to share this next part, but I will so other women can be aware....
    I've been a fan of Dancing with the Stars since about season 2, until this last year. I used to watch it with my daughter (4 years old) and I had to stop watching it this year. The costumes went from a little iffy to OMG I can't believe she's wearing that. One of the "costumes" was a push up bra, panties and a mans dress shirt with heels. I haven't watched it since. ESPECIALLY with my daughter. This is everywhere, it's so sad. Even if you are watching a nice movie on TV you have to guard your little ones eyes from the commercials. sad, sad, sad...


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