Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May at our place

Days are still very monotonous (as much as can be so with kids around) around here, but a bit of Spring Cleaning and Gardening is woven into our days, letting us know that things are turning toward the summer. You wouldn’t know it today, as the temperatures are in the 50s today. Seems very abnormal, although a bit nice.

Here are a few pictures to let you see what is going on around our place:

may3 002Our first harvest: Mustard greens

may3 003Ella, enjoying blueberries

may3 004A Spring Touch to the front door

may3 005 Fresh Herbs growing in the windowsill..Basil & Chives

may3 007Reading between bathtimes

may3 008     New batch of chickens

may3 009

Chickens & Guinea Fowl eating their breakfast

may3 012

Emory helping Papa build a chicken coop door

may3 013

The Garden

may3 014

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A Cucumber plant and a few Mustard plants

may3 016

Erin with the beans (and picking a few early ones)

may3 017

Tomato plants I started from SEED! :)

may3 018

Corn, Corn!

may3 019

The kids have been enjoying the dewberries for a couple of weeks now

may3 020

My miniature Gardener :)

may3 021

More tomatoes, Elderberry bushes planted in this plot, Chesnut tree, & Zinnias planted

may3 022

Ella on the trampoline

That’s May at our Place! What’s going on at yours?

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you've been having lots of happy family times! The garden looks great, and I love your herbs in the pot.

    Today the weather was beautiful! My husband built a sandbox for the children and found a place with free sand (if you shovel it yourself!).

    Yesterday my oldest daughter and I went to a friend's house and learned how to make soap. It was so fun!

    Hope the rest of your week is blessed!


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