Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My schedule-what ‘works’ for me..

mid may 2011 012 My dear little ones love to wash Mama’s van!

mid may 2011 013 

Even little Ella gets in on the cleaning!

mid may 2011 015

Love this picture of my hard working FIL taking a break from tree-clearing to chat with my youngest son. They were discussing, Chickens. I actually got this shot through my laundry room door, so I am oblivious to them. :)

mid may 2011 016

A little sticker decor never hurt anyone! (my kids are always on my table…anyone else’s?)

I just haven’t felt really well lately, so not much blogging spirit going on for me. I apologize. I have a list of future blogs, waiting to happen, but I’ve got to be in the mood for blogging to actually get them ‘out there’.

My oldest kids are with my MIL, digging taters (as we call them), so while I should be doing dishes and some fast cleaning, I am putting up a much needed blog to my dear readers.

I have found, after having 4 kids, that by the time the youngest is 1 & 1/2, I am pretty much on a nice little schedule, without having really planned it that way. That is, until a little one comes along again and then a new (very tentative and way shorter) schedule takes over.

And, if you have times that you are simply not feeling well, here is what you focus on and nothing else (a gentle reminder from the Holy Spirit when I was feeling overwhelmed one day): Dishes, Beds Made, and Laundry. Those are the things that will pile up, not go away (beds made just make a room look neater when nothing else is done). Also, sweeping may need to be added if you don’t have carpet, because the dirt does pile up!

I try to always get a little Bible reading and some prayer in before I start my day. After that is done, I see that the living room/dining room is straightened.

I work on my Daily Focuses, starting with the dishes usually (no, I do not leave a clean sink before I go to bed, usually. I am T-I-R-E-D when evening comes.). If everyone is awake, I get the Beds Made and twice weekly, I do the laundry and the other days are used to fold and put away. I ALWAYS have some form of laundry. Yes and Amen. :)

After breakfast, kids clean their rooms (this is a very loose term of clean—we are still constantly working on my version of clean vs. their version of clean).

Schoolwork begins at 10:30 (I could do another post of our schoolwork schedule, but not now)

12 pm—LR/DR straightening—by this time legos are sure to be everywhere, blocks are out (all 200 of them) and horses are seen ‘riding’ all over the living room. Kids help with this.

During the midst of these next hours, more schoolwork, napping, and a WHOLE lot of playing is going on…..

4pm—more LR/DR straightening (anyone else’s children LOVE to play in the LR, NOT their bedrooms??)

Now for focus cleaning:

Mondays: Porch/Sidewalk (sweeping, wiping down furniture, straightening) I also have just started cleaning out my van on Mondays as well

Tuesday: Mop/Dust LR/DR

Wednesday: Bathrooms

Thurs: Kitchen mopping/wipe down cabinets

Fri: Bedroom dusting/ sweeping

Now the focus cleaning chores only take maybe 15 minutes, I am not a professional duster. My idea is getting a damp rag and wiping down the furniture. No polish, etc. Okay, we are talking saving time here. :)

I try to do a lot of reading to my kids, so when Ella is sleeping and my daily focusings are done, I will be found many minutes of the day reading to my kids. This is very important to me.

Supper and Lunch plans are really simple. Yesterday it was PBJ on wheat bread and chips/salsa. Supper was homemade pizza. I am a big fan of a meat/veg/bread meal. I will have plenty of time in the future to prepare elaborate meals for my families when they come to visit me. Right now, I am simple.

I’d love to hear your schedule….maybe you are like me and NOT a list maker (I spite myself and deliberately DON’T go by the list because I hate to write a schedule down for myself. Weird, I know.) but you sort of have a rhythm of what you use for your family.

Before I go, I’d love to share with you a worthy quote that I read in a book I’m currently reading on Smith Wigglesworth:

It is the easiest thing to get the mind of the Lord when your whole heart is only desiring the will of the Lord.

God Bless.


  1. Hmm....we are probably the least scheduled family ever. And, funny thing is, it works for us right now. I plan to have one in place by this fall when we start homeschooling. I know that sounds crazy but it is what it is!

    I would love to see your school schedule and what you recommend for Kindergarten!

  2. I love to read other's "schedules". Yours is very similar to mine. I find I need some sort of routine to my day with the flexibility to adjust as needed.


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